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IndustryWorks Pictures presents THERESA IS A MOTHER

INDUSTRYWORKS PICTURES presents         THERESA IS A MOTHER   EVERYONE NEEDS A LITTLE CLOSURE AND EXPOSURE Theresa McDermott has chased her “ideal” life as an urban-dwelling, punk(ish) singer-songwriter to the very end of its possible existence.  She is broke, options...

Times Colonist Reviews “Trunk: The Movie”

“M’am, stop the car . . . I need you to pull over,” says the man who claims to be a cop. Trouble is, he’s yelling this to a vengeful driver from the trunk of her car he’s held captive in for the duration of Victoria-based director Martin de Valk’s taut, occasionally...

Review: At Home By Myself With You

Last night The Royal screened, to an enthusiastic audience, the Toronto opening of At Home By Myself With You.  The presence of the director (Kris Booth), producer, and members of the cast added to the ‘film-premiere’ feeling of the event (I totally love it when films...