by Tim | Jan 21, 2014 | BACK TO THE SEA
Dream Big! Keep your eyes on the pearl! That is … if you think you can! Three immersive gameplay modes, fast/challenging/insane makes this an exciting game that will challenge both young and old alike. Based on the hit family film “Back To The Sea”, Kevin is a young...
by Tim | Jan 21, 2014 | BACK TO THE SEA
I’m always on the look out for fun movies to share with my family. Being a blogger helps to me learn about movies I might not otherwise have the opportunity to know about. Often movies go straight to DVD (or Blu-ray). Since video rental stores are hard to come by...
by Tim | Jan 21, 2014 | RAGE
Written and directed by Chris Witherspoon comes Rage, a low budget, American independent horror film. Set in Portland, it focuses on a man (Rick Crawford) who one morning, after kissing his wife (Audrey Walker) goodbye, heads into town and breaks up with his...
by Tim | Jan 21, 2014 | RAGE
A thirty something man who lives in a suburb just outside of Portland says goodbye to his beautiful and loving wife and heads into town. There he unintentionally provokes the wrath of a mysterious motorcyclist. The confrontation between the two, sets in motion a day...
by Tim | Jan 21, 2014 | RAGE
Soon after they part ways for good, the biker starts to harass Dennis on the city streets. At first, the threats are harmless, such as the biker zooming by Dennis’ car in his bike to give him a jolt. Then, it gets worse as the biker carves up his car with a combat...