by Tim | Nov 17, 2014 | AT HOME BY MYSELF WITH YOU
Last night The Royal screened, to an enthusiastic audience, the Toronto opening of At Home By Myself With You. The presence of the director (Kris Booth), producer, and members of the cast added to the ‘film-premiere’ feeling of the event (I totally love it when films...
by Tim | Jan 22, 2014 | AT HOME BY MYSELF WITH YOU
After viewing this charming, lighthearted romantic comedy (set and filmed in Toronto), I can safely say that director Kris Booth certainly made the very most of his tiny $40,000 budget! At Home is a small, sweet movie, filmed entirely in one woman’s apartment, and...
by Tim | Jan 22, 2014 | AT HOME BY MYSELF WITH YOU
Kristin Booth plays a young agoraphobe in ‘At Home By Myself…With You.’ One of two micro-budgeted Canadian movies playing the Royal this week (the other is Zooey & Adam), At Home By Myself … With You has already earned some attention due to...