Wild Cherry is about 3 teen girls (Raymonde; LOST, Willis; Sorority Row, & Cavallari; The Hills) who are looking to lose their virginity. It’s all going fine until they discover the long held tradition the football team has of picking and then deflowering virgin girls as a sort of game/ritual. After this discovery they’re hell bent to get some revenge and also withhold sex.
There is so much interesting stuff about Wild Cherry that I really liked. I think a lot of other people will as well. It’s basically an American Pie type movie, but skewed towards a female point of view, which is hardly ever actually present in these types of movies. It also has a little bit of the male view but we’ll get into that more a little later. I felt like director Dana Lustig did an exceptional job with what she had.
Let’s start with the cast. All young and not quite famous. Recognizable though. Perhaps the most recognizable is the lead Tania Raymonde who is best known as the character of Alex from LOST. She’s great and is a perfect lead. Her character is well written and multi-dimensional, and she herself does comedy and more dramatic scenes equally as great. Rumer Willis plays one of her best friends and is also making a documentary about losing your virginity (clips from this movie within a movie are scattered throughout, although this isn’t clear at first and is a little confusing). Another great performance. Even the girl from the fake reality show The Hills, Kristen Cavallari, is wonderful as the other best friend. A big problem though is that while separate all three girls performances are great, together they really lack chemistry.
One of the big surprises this movie holds is Rob Schneider’s performance. He’s subdued and low key as Raymonde’s single father trying to keep his daughter both safe and from moving away for college. He manages to still be hilarious without his usual over the top performance style. And from a sheer acting point of view this is probably his best performance ever.
This movie is plenty raunchy, and filled with super funny set pieces that mostly revolve around sex in some way. That alone earns it it’s R rating. There’s really no nudity (in fact the males are the ones who wind up most naked) although it must be said that you’ll find Raymonde walking around in some form of underwear a lot, and there’s one scene with Willis as well. There’s also multiple (yes multiple) scenes of Raymonde’s character masturbating. So enjoy boys (and girls). But the thing I really liked was how positive about sex Wild Cherry is. Sex isn’t treated as a taboo and not like a thing for guys only and that girls should be ashamed of. It sends a very positive message to young women that sex is a great thing and even though these girls obsess about and have sex they’re not portrayed as “whores” or “sluts”. Just normal teenage girls with teenage hormones. I feel like this is an important statement for this type of movie to make.
Now I have one major complaint and that’s about the plot itself. It doesn’t seem like one cohesive plot. There’s the football book thing which leads to a boys vs girls battle (which is pretty funny) and there’s the girls trying to find their sexuality and lose their virginity. These plots clash together oddly and it feels like two different movies at times.
Overall I highly recommend this if you’re looking for a raunchy comedy. It’s got a good message at the end of the day plus some great comedic performances and other great laughs I won’t spoil.
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