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CDL_PI_1728x2560Writer-director Rusty Nixon begins shooting the new horror film Candiland in Vancouver later this month. The project is based on the novel “Candyland” by Elizabeth Engstrom.

Gary Busey, James Clayton and Chelah Horsdal will star.

The latter will play Tess, Recently divorced and heartbroken, who finds herself abandoned at a bar on her girl’s night out. There she encounters the eccentric and rich Peter – a man cursed with the condition of heightened sensory perception and desperately searching for a moment’s peace. The two instantly fall in love and withdraw to Peter’s apartment for a lengthy and addicting love affair.

Days of bliss pass by but when Tess realizes she should leave and resume her life, Peter proposes a dangerous idea – isolate each other in his apartment to create their own pure reality; one free of pain and the dictates of society. Now, cut off from the world and locked inside what Peter calls “Candiland,” the lovers embark on a dogmatic quest for a higher existence. But slowly, they begin to descend into madness – turning the once lovers into mortal enemies.

More on this one as it comes in.